Renowned for her personalised skin consultation, Sarah Hudson has acquired a devoted following. Past, present and future are all part of Sarah’s process as she listens closely – gaining an understanding of skin history and experiences as well as current concerns and ambitions for skin and appearance. Each skin is unique and by learning about its behaviour Sarah customises techniques and product prescriptions to achieve individual goals.
An exclusive aspect of the initial skin consultation with Sarah Hudson is the use of skin imaging software, which gives a true insight to skin damage and other skin concerns. This technology allows pinpoint diagnosis of sun damage, brown spots, and red areas to enhance accuracy in treatments and importantly, allow comparison of before and after results.
“The Initial Skin Consultation is where we – you, me and your skin – really get to know each other. We’ll discuss in detail your skin concerns and why you have these concerns, as well as what you’re truly looking to achieve. The consultation is also an opportunity for you to be really honest and discuss past treatments you may or may not have been happy with, and in return I’ll also be honest in delivering the very best advice in helping you achieve your skin goals. From there, together, we’ll establish a personalised Skin Management Program of in-clinic treatments and prescription homecare that I just know you’ll be so excited to get started with!”