03 Jul How do you deal with dry skin during winter?
Dry skin during winter is due to two factors:
Oil hardens and does not provide a liquid protection to the skin cells making the skin feel dry.
Plus, the moisture in our skin cells becomes dehydrated (due to heating / warm environments/ more consumption of hot caffeinated beverages less consumption of water and hydrating foods)
For Dry Skins in winter: I love to prescribe a treatment oil added into your moisturiser, giving it a lux-nourishing feel.
To help with skin hydration look for AHA’s in home skincare, they help to reduce water loss and smooth the texture of the skin.
Don’t drink more than 1 coffee per day, replace caffeinated beverages with Herbal Tea. In winter I love hot water and lemon. The lemon is detoxifying and refreshing plus it gives a zing to your day.
No hot showers especially on the face! Ensure you are using a body moisturizer 2 x day, it’s a good excuse to use up Christmas present moisturisers / before you receive more next Christmas.
At home I have replaced hot air conditioning and heating with a warm rug (actually an electric one) it keeps me warm and doesn’t cause my skin to dry out.
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